
Green bedroom of Isis and Osyris

The middle bedroom of the first floor is called after the most important heroes of Egyptian mythology – Isis and Osyris. Love story of these heroes, sufferings and acting them together is known as the core of Egyptian mythology, the central myth, the epos that arrived at our times in the forms of dramatic and satirical versions.

Children of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, Osyris and Isis became an inseparable couple and the rulers of Egypt. Osyris taught the people to cultivate the land, to grow the crops, the grapes, to build the cities. The god of wisdom Thoth, accompanying him, invented the letters, the numbers, taught mankind how to know the laws of nature. After bringing the order in Egypt, Osyris and his escort departed for the trip to African and Asian countries to teach the savage people to live in a civilized way. After he left, the country was ruled by Isis. Their brother Seth – the vengeful god of the desert – was jealous for Osyris’ power and fame, he has secretly organized a conspiracy and has aimed to occupy the throne. When Osyris returned from a long trip, Seth held a solemn feast in honor of brother, during which he showed the guests an astonishing beautiful sarcophagus. The box was made for Osyris, after secretly measuring his height. Seth said, that a sarcophagus will be presented to the guest, whose height it will meet. All the guests one by one lied down in the decorated coffin, but it suited only for Osyris. When he lied down, Seth together with the conspirators shut the coffin lid, sealed it with lead, and threw the sarcophagus into Nile.

After getting to know about the disaster, Isis went to search for her husband. She was accompanied by her sister Nephthys – Seth's wife and mother of Anubis. Osyris’ sarcophagus, carried by Nile, arrived to the delta near Byblos city, where the tamarind tree embeded it. Noticing the impressive size of the tree, the king Melkander ordered to build a column from it and put it in the center of the palace (hence the symbol of Osyris is derived – the Djed column). Searching for the missing husband, Isis came to the city of Byblos. The maids of queen Athenais saw this woman of a stunning beauty and brought to the palace, unaware that it was a goddess. Isis healed the sick son of the king and became his nurse. During the nights, she was keeping the baby in fire, and she turned herself into a swallow and screamed tearfully, circling around. This procedure had to make the prince immortal. Once, the queen mother saw this. Terribly frightened, she intervened and broke the spell. When they understood, that goddess Isis have taken care of their child, the sovereigns begged to accept a gift. Isis requested for the column with Osyris’ sarcophagus rooted.

Upon return of remains of the beloved, Isis embalmed him with the help of Anubis and Nephthys. However, evil Seth once again prevented from the proper burial of Osyris. He had found the mummy, hidden in papyrus greenery, had cut up Osyris into a dozen pieces and had scattered them throughout Egypt. For a long time Isis and Nephthys traveled around the country, collecting the remains of their brother. They managed to find all the parts, except for the penis, the most important attribute of masculinity. It is said, that the fish of Nile had ate the phallus, this is why the Egyptians do not eat fish, living in Nile. Being a sorceress and connoisseur of the healing rituals, Isis has made the prosthesis – a golden penis and has put it to the mummy. Isis herself, turned to a bird, rose above the beloved and started the divine baby Horus. When the time came, she gave birth to Horus in Nile delta, nurtured him carefully and hid him from the vengeful Seth, who had occupied the throne of Osyris.

When Horus grew up, Isis began a long and dramatic struggle for the son's right to the title of the ruler. The duel between Horus and Seth continued for many years. The story of their fight has become one of the longest epics of Egypt, which remained in the satirical and in the political versions. Their endless bickering and insistence of Isis exhausted the gods so much, that sun god Ra appointed Horus the ruler of Egypt, and Seth – the guardian of his celestial boat against the enemies. Horus revived the mummy of father (hence began the "opening of the mouth" ceremony), Osyris ascended to heaven and became the ruler of the underworld – Duat. Since then, this gods’ trinity rule the world: Osyris reigns the underworld, Isis takes care of earth and human beings, and Horus continue the work started by his father in heaven.

An extensive collection of paintings, illustrating the myth of Osyris and Isis, is gathered in this room. Here you will see the canonical images of these gods in papyruses, the esoteric Brazilian-born artist Susan Seddon Boulet (1941-1997) pastels and the lithographs of the temple of Isis on the island of Philae by David Roberts.

In the modern world, the archetype of Osyris embodies the roles of husband, the ruler and father. It is the energy of fertility, regeneration, rebirth – an eternal life, defeating the challenges and death. Isis symbolizes the roles of faithful wife, a queen, loving mother, tough woman. This is the archetype of healing, transformation, love, compassion and the forces of nature. This room of the villa is designed for love, partnership, healing the heart 'wounds'.

Green color predominant in this area is associated with the mysteries of Osyris. Emerald green colour, according to Vedic teaching and Aura-Soma’s colour classification, corresponds to the heart center – Anahata chakra. This energy heals the heart and lung diseases, strengthens the immune system, stimulates regeneration of the bodily tissues and the healing processes, harmonizes the rhythms of body. Green colour helps a person to “respire” in intense and full of stress modern life, brings back to the natural flow of life, strengthens the feelings of the Self and authenticity. The tones of green purify the heart from bitterness, frustrations, teach to listen to the "inner voice", invite to open up for love and life.

Green colour is repeated in all the details of this bedroom – from the walls and floor tiles to bedding, to the hangers in the wardrobe and to furniture upholstery. The room is filled up with colored light from the green glass chandelier and the wall light collection. Wide doors in the bedroom open up to a shaded balcony, from which guests would be delighted by the views to the yard and surroundings. This bedroom is furnished with two 120 cm wide canopy beds with mosquito nets. White handmade wooden furniture with lotus carvings was made by the local craftsmen especially for this room.

Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasisTurkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
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Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis
Turkio Hator - Šekmet miegamasis

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